Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Evil Snowmonster

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Once their was to people called Mordecai and Rigby.It was a day were everyone got their certifacets  for doing good deeds.But Mordecai and Rigby did not get one because they have never done a good deed.So Mordecai came up and said " Oh man, come on Benson" "There's got to be something in there about us,"let me see" said Rigby."No,this is the book of park records it has been past to park manager after park manager".So at  night Mordecai and Rigby tip toed in to Benson's office and got the book of park records and Mordecai said "OK dude I think we shouldn't do this " "What com'on dude, don't you want to get a certificate" "Well yeah,but I don't want to do it like thief""so what!" said Rigby. They opened the book and looked for their names as soon as they saw what it said they were very upset.It said Mordecai and Rigby a slackeres,they are very lazy and not useful.So Mordecai got a pencil and flipped it over and used the rubber at the end to rub out all of that garbage."Good job dude,if anyone reads this

 they'll think we're complete tools" "OK dude,just write a good but fake thing about us in that book" said Mordecai "Alright " said Rigby. So Rigby got the pencil and wrote down... Mordecai and Rigby are always sweating from their hard work,Mordecai and Rigby cook delicious blueberry pancakes every morning,Mordecai and Rigby cleaned the floor and the dishes.Oh Mordecai and Rigby are the best employees ever.Skips broke his leg but it didn't matter because Mordecai and Rigby took him to the local hospital until they were attacked by an evil snow monster called snowballs he was 10feet tall and it... Suddenly Mordecai and Rigby heard the door knob creaking .At least Rigby heard it but didn't actually stop  writing "Hurry up dude your gonna get us caught" said Mordecai "just a second!"said Rigby "SHHHH" said Mordecai       and he dragged Rigby down from the top of the desk "Ou dude take it easy"they hid behind Benson's desk suddenly Benson had made it in Rigby started to whisper "SHH" said Mordecai "there it is " said Benson he looked around just to scan if Mordecai and Rigby got in then when he walked out he slammed the door behind himself "phew said " Mordecai and Rigby then they walked out closing the door quietly behind them selves In the  

morning Rigby ha smelled some  blueberry pancakes Mordecai and Rigby walked over to the burning saucepan Rigby picked up the  spatchela and said "Who made these pancakes " suddenly Benson came in to the kitchen and said "What are you slackers doing" "Ummmmmmmmm?" said Mordecai and Rigby then Benson saw Rigby holding the spatchela  and said "Mmmmm Rigby those smell great can I have a few" "Um sure" said Rigby in a confused book when Benson had a seat and sat down he looked under his chair and the floors were clean "Did you guys clean the floors" "Yup" said Mordecai and and Rigby "And the dishes" "Yeah" said Mordecai and Rigby in a happier voice "You know guys I some hard working employees to help me with some work  wanna do it " said Benson "Yup " said Mordecai and Rigby so Benson led them out side to a big pile of rocks "you guys need to move these rocks from there all the way over there" "OK" said Mordecai and Rigby so they started doing it and when they had 5 more rocks ... Rigby said "Com'on dude we've been doing this for 

hours this isn't an appreciation this is torture" suddenly Rigby saw Pops coming on a golf-cart "Oh Mordecai and Rigby did you hear that there is going to be a snow blizzard cheerio"  "sounds like more crazy talk from Pops" said Rigby "Yeah" said Mordecai suddenly there was a giant snow blizzard then they heard a blood-curling scream in the distant it was Skips he had broken his leg they got him in to a golf cart that's when they were attacked by Snowballs he screamed in Mordecai's face almost causing his soul to come out. Mordecai come out with lawn mower to suck Snowballs. The Rigby knew how to defeat Snowballs, they had to write good ending in the book of park records. Mordecai wrote as fast as he could. Then Benson came out and said in a angry voice "CLEAAAAAAAAAAAAN  THISSSSSSSS MESSSSS UPPPPPP" "What mess" said mordecai "UHHH" said Benson "Just clean up this mess or your fired com'on Skips" said Benson.     

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Beanrock lighthouse

Bean rock is a lighthouse ,near Waitemata  harbor,it is in Auckland, Devenport . It  is  very visible from Tamika drive.Bean rock lighthouse was built on the 1st of July in 1965. Bean rock is a wave washed lighthouse.This means its in the middle of the sea.

Bean rock lighthouse is built on heavy rocks and surrounded by sea in the morning Bean rock is a marker and by night a beacon.It guides ships from dangerous reefs and rocks.There is a legend relating to the rock.

According to this legend Tarakumukumu took his brother in-law Kapetaua fishing. Tarakumukumu told Kapetaua he would return to collect him. Suddenly tied rose up and Kapetaua was marooned on the rock. Kapetaua never forgot how Tarakumukumu left him marooned on , the rock he collected a huge force and defeated Tarakumukumu .The rock is called Te Toka o Kapetaua

In 1870  a local builder called William Cameron he was the one who built bean rock.It is hexagonal  cottage it has a veranda.There were 4 bedrooms,Kitchen,the "longdrop" it is a toilet that leads all the waste down to the sea below.

Sunday, May 17, 2015


Old,musty,greasy wood.

Salty,dry fish.

Seagulls,screeching and crying.

Rough rocks and gleaming glass.

A tall rocket ship with a beacon of light

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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The visit

Dear diary,

Today baby Alice came in for R.O.E.As soon as Mrs Webber put down baby Alice she rolled over.WE were startled.

She could hold her head up.It was incredible when she got excited, and looked like she was flying.

When she got tired of holding her head up.It looked like her arms and legs collapsed under her.

She was making a lot of noise and, she wasn't just doing that to annoy us.But she was communicating with us. We talked about why she had a bold spot on the back of her head; It was because.She is sleeping a lot , and her hair comes off.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Paper  planes  are awesome  good planes can fly for a long distance.Others can fly 3 centimeters above the ground and more can do lots of loops and some do cool tricks that are epic.One person invented a machine that you would put on a paper plane and control it with a app on your i phone.So it would fly forever that's if your arm can take the chance.


Monday, May 4, 2015


Dear diary, 

Today is terrible. I almost got hit in the face. A bazooka shell zoomed past my  face. But I dodged it  because I don't  want to die. My friend lit off a dynamite to kill somebody. I have been in this garbage dump for 3 years.  I got sick but nothing happened because i'm brave. then the Germans shot the ship that I was on but I survived ,but my Chief Officer Commander  died and I cried. The trenches are muddy and rocky and plain old boring. The only food I have is chocolate biscuits. I ate one it tastes nice.One of my friends got wounded so he had to go to hospital but he said he was coming back if the docter said he was fine.

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