Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Spotlight Camp Hunua 2017

                                                       Spotlight  Camp Hunua 2017
It was nighttime, and  everyone was ready for Spotlight. The people who went first  filled the night  sky with screams and groans as the parents roared and scared them.

The trees in front me of me shielded me from the light coming from the torches. The wet ground underneath me squished as I walked silently to the open field spread out like a huge game board.

I noticed three parents moving silently through the night “Don’t want to get caught by them,” I said I got on my stomach and slithered towards the end .Mud and wet grass got all up in my mouth.
Suddenly a spine rattling roar filled the air I was face to face with my arch nemesis the torch of evil “Come here,” said Dave in a demanding voice I walked over and he drew a thick black mark on my left hand which was as wet as the wet grass covered in shards of mud.

“Yes  made it to the third part of the course,” I said to myself. Tip toeing through bushes I heard near by another array of screams,groans and roars. “AH HA,” Brendan roared,The light was in my eyes “We meet again,” I said to myself “Come here,” said Brendan I groaned and walked over to Brendan He put a mark next to the one Dave drew. I heard people shouting and cheering as they ran to the end. The whole experience left me happy,tired and sleepy.We all  went into the dining hall and played some games.I played  Jenga with Ryan it was so fun. It was the best game of Spotlight ever.Image result for monster           Image result for torch shiningImage result for monster

By Omar